Bash Completion on macOS With Brew

I live and breath Mac OS X on a daily basis, with a large portion of my work revolving around the command line using mostly tools which I’ve installed with brew. Bash completion has likely saved me days worth of time over the past decade or so. Little did I know, up until recently, however, that there is an official tap with completion scripts (in addition to the ones which come with individual recipes such as git) which can be installed for tools like docker, vagrant and grunt.

Using Tinyproxy for Mobile Development on macOS

A common problem encountered with web development where private or local development sites with no public DNS sites are being used is the one of viewing these locally running development sites on an iPhone or iPad for testing purposes. This becomes even more of a problem when working on a mobile theme or particularly a responsive design where it’s kind of important to test simultaneously on multiple screen sizes while your implementing the breakpoints required for the content to adapt to the different displays.

A New Breed of Cron in Magento EE 1.13

By now the overhaul of the indexer system used in Magento Enterprise Edition 1.13 is fairly common knowledge, especially amongst those that have the privilege to work with it on some large builds. I’ve had the chance to work with it a fair bit on a rather large project currently still in the oven over at Classy Llama. This project has over 40 million product pages and 5 million parts in inventory!