Fedora Asahi Remix with LUKS Encryption

This process will install Fedora Asahi Remix on an Apple Silicon (M1/M2) system, create a bootable USB recovery disk, and then setup LUKS encryption in-place on the root filesystem. What the process looks like at a high level: Install prebuilt Fedora Asahi Remix image. Create a USB drive that will boot Fedora on an Apple Silicon system. Boot from the Fedora USB recovery drive. LUKS encrypt the root filesystem in-place.

MySQL Write Performance and I/O Barriers

Lately I’ve been using Warden to run some pretty large Magento sites not only with Docker Desktop for macOS but also on Docker running natively on Fedora 31 which I’ve got setup on a pretty sweet Dell T5820 I picked up recently. My local network is setup to resolve *.test domains to my Fedora setup when Docker Desktop is stopped allowing me to easily switch between the two, using VSCode Remote SSH + PHP Intelephense by Ben Mewburn as my editor and sometimes experimenting with PHP Storm over X11 in XQuartz.

The Hidden Indexers in Magento You Never Knew Existed

Everyone who has worked with Magento for a time knows that Magento uses indexers to achieve higher performance than it might otherwise achieve when dealing with certain complex data types. A list of these indexers can be easily found by looking at the output of bin/magento indexer:status on the CLI. These indexers usually support both synchronous (Update on Save, also known as realtime) and asynchronous (Update on Schedule, also known as schedule) modes.