Installing pfSense on Packet Host Cloud Servers

In this post, I’ll be walking you through how to install the pfSense software on bare-metal cloud servers powered by Packet Host. pfSense is a free open source network firewall distribution based on the FreeBSD operating system. Netgate (the company behind the project) offers “Security Gateway Appliances” but you can also build your own system as long as it meets the minium system requirements, or in my case deploy on cloud infrastructure.

Deploying Magento 2 Using Capistrano

This guest post by Erik Hansen will cover how to use the capistrano-magento2 Capistrano Gem to deploy Magento 2 on any static infrustructure design of your choosing. A Little About Capistrano Capistrano is a a tool used to run scripts on multiple servers, typically with the purpose of deploying code changes to those servers. Capistrano works well with both single node deployments as well as multiple node deployments that include separate application and database servers sitting behind a load balancer.

Running the Magento 2 Test Suite

Magento 2 ships with a complete testing suite out-of-the-box. These include a complete set of operational unit, integration, and static tests. The simplest of these to run is probably the unit tests, having all necessary components setup and in-place automatically after installing Magento 2 successfully. Here I’ll show you how to run the full tests suite, run each type of tests independently, and also how to run a small portion of the unit or integration tests if need be.