Installing Magento 2 for Development

There are two common ways to install Magento 2. One is to simply clone the Magento 2 GitHub repository and install. This is great for contributing, but not so much for starting a new project. Magento released the Magento 2.0 GA this Tuesday, November 17th at the MagentoLive Australia event. Very exciting stuff! With that they threw the switch on the new meta-packages server which hosts all you need to install Magento 2 with only a set of authorization credentials and composer.

Configuring Magento 2 To Use Redis Cache Backend

Using the file-system for a cache backend on a production Magento site is just asking for your site to run slowly. But what about development? Should you use a file-system based cache there or not? Well, that is ultimately up to you, but you’ll be able to work faster if you develop on a stack with a fast cache backend. My personal favorite is currently Redis. Magento supports this out of the box in later versions of Magento 1 as well as in the developer betas of Magento 2.

Upgrading ICU to Install OroCRM on CentOS 5

Recently the crew over at Classy Llama decided to finally jump on board the OroCRM train and begin the process of implementing the software for our own internal use. Sometimes I’m known as the server dude internally, and that’s exactly how I come into play in this endeavor. The question always must be answered, where will we host it? In my neck o’ the woods we run our software on old-fashioned bare-metal servers, which does mean we have some older software than I’d like at times.